Screenshot of Flowers in the Mirror
Screenshot of Flowers in the Mirror
Screenshot of Flowers in the Mirror
Flowers in the Mirror

Flowers in the Mirror

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3,338 Downloads11,458 Followers

Oriental mythology turn-based RPG mobile game attack!
A miserable examination of the ancient literature books "The Book of Mountains and Seas" and "Mirror Flower Edge" as the blueprint Outlines the rich background of the story.
God wilderness change, mixed ton first open.
The mirror is flexible, showing the strange aesthetics!
Innovative fantasy gameplay, open the universe of God.

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Rascal Raynor
<For newbies: Super Recommended "Fire Fox Mask Guy" as your first reroll/no regret + R Girl and Blue Birdy. His S team is Amazing and his AOE Cleanse everything. Luckily my instinct tell me to pick him :D> (Edit: Those dumb brain f*ck comment is meaningless now I look back. Bros it's CLOSE BETA, you shit should learn how to read before dumb out stupid reviews. SSRs wifu will come soon enough when it ready)
126 Views 5d
431 Views 05/03/2024
for those who wondering wtf is the game about, and sceptical to download because they didn't show any gameplay in the preview. it's a turn base gacha game. no it's not open world like honkai starrail, even though they got trains too. it's still in chinese, no english, I don't know if there will in the future. the graphic is okay. the fight animation kinda feels and looks like a pokemon game in my opinion.
Genuinely crafted quite well. Character design is very detailed and not as generic.
8 Views 05/19/2024
Flowers In The Mirror Gameplay - RPG Android/IOS 4k HD
1.6K Views 04/05/2024
Flowers in the Mirror (山海鏡花) - Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS)
7.9K Views 03/29/2024
53 Views 03/30/2024
The game is my type a game but huge difference language barrier but other than that the mechanics of the game are easy and has great visuals
Stuart Lemington
48 Views 03/31/2024
very boring and p2w
37 Views 04/02/2024
II love this game.i love the characters design.i like chinese mhyticals design. I like the stories. For me its a 5 stars.
479 Views 03/29/2024
Nikhil Ji
is there English language
76 Views 04/02/2024
Can I play it in English
That's everything for now. Start a new game?