out of 10


14 Views 02/22/2024
Bye. I made a white person rac1st
Silvis T
1.4K Views 03/10/2023
Hi there all villagers (and traitors)  , I am really happy to review this amazing game! The roles are very good with every single person having a role. The only roles i didn't really like are: Flower child , Bomber , Seer apprentice, Wolf Pacifist and Zombies , because of the lack of their abilities, the lost potential of this roles , pretty overpowered or being very controversial . But i gotta admit the game devs are doing a very good job , realising new roles every now and then , new gamemodes and qualities of life features for the roles. Highly recommended for people who don't want to constantly have to worry for movement , cooldown of abilities( there are days , nights and voting phases -pretty much like Town of Salem). A pretty interesting game! See you around soon!
Jaythan Garza
482 Views 02/16/2022
This social deduction game is not for me. The main hook of the game is that every player has a unique role, and while that seemed exciting at first, I soon saw the folly in it. The moment any information role mentions you, you have to claim your role. There's usually no regular villager role to hide behind, and you can't claim a dead player's role, since those are revealed upon death. Often, you'll claim a random role, the player with that role counterclaims, and you are voted out, or worse, shot by the Gunner. Throw in multiple of said information roles of varying strength, one or more protective roles, and a solo killer that can gain control stupidity fast, and you have a game that is designed to make being the werewolf unfun, which is the last thing you want in a werewolf game. It's a shame too, since the game has the roles and resources to be both balanced and chaotic, so why they kept this frustrating design around for so long boggles my mind.
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824 Views 11/21/2022
Well, this is a pretty fun game to play Werewolf. However, what bothers me the most is that so many players intentionally AFK when they don't get the role they want. In addition, a lot of players intentionally team-up to win and ruin the gaming experience of many people. I hope the developer needs to tackle this issue more aggressively
doctor op
233 Views 10/06/2022
iit is the good game buthtere are mny dumb players tht they dnt k how to play s game
248 Views 05/09/2020
excellent game but to many racists people on this platform
Naz Pendragon
206 Views 08/26/2021
This game is failed game, I once play it, the toxic player report me, I got banned for several days.
246 Views 05/09/2020
Really fun to play with friends. 😂😂😂 had a great time with friends playing this on night time. i really misses the old days playing these with my best friends...
252 Views 03/05/2021
its so good!!! i recommend it if you like to play a game like town of salem or murder mystery games ;3
Kayqueh Smith
216 Views 05/25/2020
very good game, but sometimes the game does not connect to the server!
That's everything for now. Start a new game?