out of 10


Emilio Galaz
968 Views 09/06/2023
和 The creators of this game only care about money, because most of the players have their elite hitters and they do more damage than those who are Star, many cheaters., All those tops that always They win are perfect, they never lose, it's impossible but since they care more about money They don't care about anything
Arthur “Hobbiedogg” Curtis
1.1K Views 01/19/2023
Love the game but getting tired of the game taking my coins after kicking me out of a match before it even starts and it happens no less then 4 out 6 times I play it and lately has a constant glitch saying my internet is unstable when I have full signal sittin 3 feet from my router again I love the game but the devs need to get this shit figured out or I will be deleting the game
672 Views 09/09/2021
How bad cant i be
Homerun Clash. Gameplay
393 Views 02/09/2023
maeng6 k
0 Views 03/17/2024
좋아욯ㅎ ㅎㅎ
8 Views 03/26/2019
在這個遊戲當中,你將扮演一名進攻方球員,站在本壘上擊打守方的投球。 規則上與並沒有真正的棒球來的那麼複雜。作為一款純擊球遊戲,遊戲的唯一玩法就是擊打對面投擲過來的棒球。 在多人匹配上,有1V1模式,也有最多4人同時進行的模式。玩法都是比拼各自擊打時候的評分高低。 遊戲當中,在荧幕中上方會有個進度條,評分高者的進度條會壓制評分低者。誰的進度優先壓制對方,或在限定時間內進度條多者獲勝。 擊球方法很簡單。右側方向鍵控制揮球棒的位置點,在棒球飛過來的合適點鬆開按鍵,人物便會揮動球棒擊球。評分根據玩家鬆手時機判定。 對於外觀黨來說,大量可自定義的外觀也是吸引人的一大特點。球棒、球帽、眼鏡、飾品,以及各種人物特效均可替換。上場角色上也有多種類型可替換,以卡牌的形式進行收集。
3 Views 03/28/2019
如果你喜歡《9局職業棒球》的話,那這款同樣是棒球體育遊戲的《本壘沖突》會是你的新選擇喔,每個棒球手的特色都不同,你不需要通過複雜的教程就能輕鬆學會!可以說上手難易度很低,多種賽制模式,選擇1v1競技練習技術,而多人團隊合作學會共贏; 遊戲是以養卡形式培養選手的,通過提升卡牌數值,來加强自身力度,或者提高防禦等等内容; 遊戲設有多種豐富多彩的比賽場景,真實模擬棒球競技場環境;玩起來代入感不錯,用一記本漂亮的壘打,决定最後勝負吧!
25K Views 04/12/2022
Es un buen juego la berdad me gusto 😁😁😈
That's everything for now. Start a new game?