out of 10


105 Views 09/24/2019
Calling a game retro does not excuse low-poly graphics and poor animation. The new era of retro games use the 8-bit effect on much fancier models. This creates a "remastered" look that is common in a lot of recycled console games. This game looks blocky. The dialog is somewhat empty and it is auto out of the box. This is not the "effect" of a retro game, but it is one that was made quickly on a low budget. With such a low budget, why does that game even need my money?
155 Views 03/03/2022
Great game, simple to play, and the payouts are adequate for free players. Although the pop-up instruction information is pretty quick to read during quests or anything of the type. Graphics are basically identical to Guardian Soul, which is amazing, but not as smooth as GS stories aren't as important and could use some work. The classic RPG aspects, as well as the strategy components, appeal to me. So far, the story appears to be intriguing.
181 Views 09/03/2021
why after chap 1 i cant load battle in chap 2???
134 Views 12/24/2021
I don't have anything good to say...😔
236 Views 09/26/2019
awesome game and def not a p2w
ياسر المعمري
3 Views 09/25/2019
РОма SvyatoY
325 Views 04/06/2020
5 Views 12/07/2020
沒有哪個地方特別突出,中庸的遊戲。抽卡機率低,卡牌升級每十級要一顆星,升星要用同級別(R, S, U) 的卡提升,也就是說即使是U的卡也可以是廢物因為星級還沒提升(卡等),拿到好卡還不能用就感覺很差。畫風中庸,遊戲玩法中庸,看來好像玩家應該也不多,可能活不久。
171 Views 09/26/2019
호불호가 있을듯 하지만 전 좋군요. 스토리 진행 등 스트레스 없이 천천히 즐기기 좋습니다
1.7K Views 11/11/2021
игра не запускается, устройство самсунг с10+, установка проходит, потом просит разрешение на доступ к файлам, далее чёрный экран и ничего не происходит (думал скачивание идёт, ждал 5-10мин) ничего
That's everything for now. Start a new game?