

199 Views 10/10/2019
#chess light# It is a game what to infer the pieces of the chess where should stand to light whole chessboard properly and have two themes, I call day and night. The objective of players is finish a sequence that the chess stand and light whole ches***oard.Different types of chess have different area of lighting,how to use chess is the hardcore of gameplay. Rely on six types of chess,the game have 180 levels for brain teasers to challenge.One riddle you are solved,three riddles are unlocked.If you successfully solved five riddles,one hint you are get.you can cost dollars exchange hints too.
8 Views 10/10/2019
吃了@kirraluan 的一发安利试了试这部作品,非常烧脑,但也很有意思。 本作是一款益智类游戏,名称直译叫做“光棋”。你需要将国际象棋摆放到不规则的棋盘上,从而照亮棋盘上的每个格子。国际象棋能照亮的范围等同于他的攻击范围。怎样摆放才能让数量有限的棋子同时照亮整个棋盘,这正是这款游戏的玩法核心及难点所在。 游戏一共有180个关卡,随着关卡推进,棋盘会越来越复杂,棋盘外也会出现黑色棋子干扰你的摆放位置,难度自然也会逐渐提高。实在过不去的关卡可以使用提示功能,每过五关就会送你一次提示,如果用光了就只能购买了。 这是一部值得静下心来慢慢思考的作品,对烧脑类或益智类游戏感兴趣的朋友推荐一试。 ..。
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