out of 10


Skadi Violet
6 Views 6d
Just like the PC game, but smaller! Joining battles is easy, controls are fluid and no bs, very little wait to be matched with a team. Overall a great game for those that are gaming on the go!
1 View 7d
Make it fast-paced gameplay, can buy items anywhere in the map same in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and finish the game less than 15 minutes, this game make be alive again in mobile gaming industries.
7 best moba games to try in 2024
34 Views 2d
149 Views 03/31/2024
I never played a MOBA so bad as this, like wtf is this outdated mess? Not being able to buy items anywhere is simply killing my mood. The gameplay is boring, the lag is at home, the matchmaking and the champions balance is against all odds, this feels like a cheap rip off with nothing new, too bad cause they have some interesting monsters creatures designs that other MOBA games miss. What's the point of playing this game if has no exclusive champs, they throw dices to randomly bring League PC champs to this game...like 2 assassins Talon Kindred, no imagination, no creativity in decisions. ( Mobile Legends is superior in every way, events, gameplay, items to buy anywhere, matchmaking, too bad that they suck at creating monsters creatures heroes like every Asian game. )
like a DoTA 🤡
575 Views 04/17/2024
Every MOBA I've played
11K Views 04/05/2024
Player Mobile Legend:Bang Bang
31 Views 03/31/2024
🎮 Gameplay: When l started tutorial game its lag and frame drop like when tutorial is done the game is making lag and frame drop l just like sad.. 🗺️ Map Design:  Yeah its good but its so dark l don't like that, can you add brighter? 🎨 Graphics:  The graphics is low and dark... 🔥 Skills: The skills is annoying because when we war and active skill the cooldown is so low but other moba the cooldown skill is speed..
160 Views 03/14/2024
League of Legends: Wild Rift League of Legends: Wild Rift, the mobile adaptation of the immensely popular PC MOBA, League of Legends, brings the thrill of intense 5v5 battles to your fingertips. Developed by Riot Games, Wild Rift offers a condensed yet authentic experience of the original game, optimized for mobile devices. With streamlined controls, revamped graphics, and a roster of beloved champions, Wild Rift aims to capture the essence of its predecessor while catering to the on-the-go gaming community.
3 Views 04/26/2024
Best moba ever played
Real Frank Player
20 Views 03/22/2024
Give shaco lore bro is not that hard Im playing it like a solid 5 years or less already. emeral hardstuck so yeah im struggling, the meta of today its a mundo that u cannot kill cuz has like 8k of hp (android) that can oneshot u with iron heart and its really broken an ashe with this item did the same with 5k hp, the game has the duration of a little 20 mins that in irl is like 1 hour .... yeah.... im a multi line main but not jungle cuz every one says its the jungle fault if we lose but no one helps with the objetives so yeah, calssic moba controlls different champions with different habilities currently it will be added kindred and other mage (add another supp already) as a player i highly recomendable not to play it, its hell in earth but digital, do not play competitive if ure like lvl 20 bro u gonna be reported hard af, wait like to lvl 50 or 60 then and only then go for it, if u gonna play chill go for aram mode or the extra limited modes like urf arurf or the DOUBLE HABILITY CASTING GOOD FOR THE SOUL BUT BAD FOR U LIFE IF U ARE LOSING mode u can play also pvp but they are highly competitivene for some reason and as a lvl 125  i only mach for the fucking top 1 global player as enemy and the team mates that installed just a mins ago so its a hrdstuck even there lamao. Play as supp or mid if ure new then play other lines troll a bit like an supp going full ap but with baron tooth (only for high mental endurance persons) or adc but ap build or tank mage its funny in casual, fuck u lee sin.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?