Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界
Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界
Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界
Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界
Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界
Screenshot of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界

鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界 TW

Dev active
Developer XD Entertainment Pte Ltd
16,543 Downloads27,043 Followers





遊戲主線講述了一個因為蘊藏著豐富的晶石資源而處於風暴中心的小國「伊利亞」,因為一場疑點重重的暴動陷入內戰。 而玩家在命運的指引下成為了一個小鎮傭兵團的團長。 為了活下去、為了保護好身邊的人,你不得不選擇依附的勢力,經營好自己的傭兵團,完成委託展現自己價值,為苦難中極盡掙扎的伊利亞人民開拓生存的道路‧‧‧‧‧‧遊戲中的故事將讓您透過命運之門進入到獨立的時空,去扭轉、改變那些曾經的過往,享受到如完整單機遊戲一般的體驗,讓您從頭到尾都沉浸其中。


由來自日本的知名音樂製作人「崎元仁」,為遊戲精心量身打造音樂要素,他對於《鈴蘭之劍: 為這和平的世界》的像素風格和故事的深刻性,讓他深受感動和挑戰,希望能夠透過音樂表現出對故事的感受,並與玩家們一同創造這個故事。玩家們光是從氣勢磅礡的樂曲中,就能感受到遊戲中所想要表達的冒險體驗以及世界戰亂環境下所表現出的人性希望與無能為力的絕望感。

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星重力數位科技有限公司為《鈴蘭之劍: 為這和平的世界》在台港澳地區的代理商。
※本遊戲涉及性(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾)、暴力(可愛人物打鬥) 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。

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10 Views 03/13/2024
Graphics:100% Gameplay:100%🔥 F2p😌
2ndmobile lords
377 Views 11/05/2023
great game but it isnt in english
577 Views 10/02/2023
Daily benefits are equivalent to no!
gabriel leandro sambrano
676 Views 10/25/2023
The game is very awesome due to game blending through ff tactics, tactics orge and mixture of other games such as triangle strategy and such that I never stop playing. All it needs is add another new weapons, new classes system, new skills and new storyline that would go on forever beyond imagination and never end. Nevertheless it is fun and enjoyable and also I'll add more if need other ideas that I can think of. Anyways, it is the best game that I've ever played. I hope again for new story of the sword of convallaria as well as new updates that would bring characters, skills and class system like evolving the charcter such as crusade.:)
821 Views 09/27/2023
Very excited to play this game when officially announced, must be a excellent game!
816 Views 09/30/2023
If it wasn't Great! Outside of that gameplay is nice. So it is the graphics
Nohanu _
1K Views 09/03/2023
The game is very satisfying, highly recommended, I hope it can be released to global as soon as possible
One of the recommended games if you like tactical rpgs but with pixel nuances, you should try this game, Character designs that are quite calming are not too mature and safe Pixel RPG Tactic -Chibi Characters All Character in this game use Chibi Design -Various Skill & Weapon The weapons used also vary according to the job, there are knights, arrows, wizards, ordinary people etc. -2D Pixelated Everything in this game uses unique 2d Pixelated to make you linger playing the game.
5.9K Views 08/18/2023
searli rusi
241 Views 08/20/2023
Playing on TW server, can't wait for global
Eddie Mok
5 Views 08/09/2023
Because I love playing Srpg like Triangle strategy, Fire Emblem and Final fantasy Tactics, hence I want to play this game too.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?