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Delta Force: Hawk Ops | Aiming Higher Than AAA Standard? - First impression of Code Zero Beta
26K Views 03/09/2024
《WAar in Arms》Founder
DELTA FORCE MOBILE (First Look at Gameplay)
39K Views 02/22/2024
One look and I knew this one's gonna be my new favorite.
5.1K Views 08/23/2023
Kapitan elkap
422 Views 10/28/2023
This is game breaking for the mobile industry this game is revolutionary this game will make the downfall of cod this game has the most realistic graphics and effects this is truly the perfect game
Delta Force: Hawk Ops GAMEPLAY
1.3K Views 08/23/2023
I knew it! I already forgot about this one years ago and with just one glimpse, it all brought back the fun and memories. There's a nostalgic feeling and the graphics were still pixelated at that time but now I'm not sure if the developers were able to upgrade it to a more clear one. The gameplay is simple enough for anyone to play it but the soundtrack is low in volume.
Devil Blade
I'm super thrilled for another game experience that has tactical gameplay
44K Views 08/23/2023
54 Views 02/26/2024
超讚的誒,這遊戲的畫面簡直贊爆了,槍械動畫也超順暢的,超級像現場打槍的。戰術動作還那麼多。 能夠搜刮資源,擊殺敵人,還有火箭炮等各種戰地設施。我的天啊,這真的要把真實的戰場做進遊戲嘛! 最絕的是什麼?你知道嘛?這遊戲竟然還開發多種模式,什麼傳統的團隊作戰、爆破模式應有盡有。還有劇情模式!打不過PVP,還打不過PVE嘛?
975 Views 02/26/2024
Investor Charles
64 Views 03/10/2024
This will be the greatest game ever in gameplay 🤗🤗 can't wait to have it on my phone 🙏 releasing date is 20-August 2023 ready waiting for it 🎊🎊
Rpg Rpggg
675 Views 08/26/2023
I'm really hyped for this game getting released on mobile
That's everything for now. Start a new game?