out of 10


340 Views 03/29/2022
actually pretty good, I was skeptical and thought it was just going to be a run of the mill childish game or a cash grab monetized game but no.👍 It's story is relatively funny and interesting, as it does have challenge for a bullet hell like game it is very keen on keeping you on your toes to get you involved. I'd say it's a nice small gem people should try. 💎
556 Views 07/26/2019
A simple but fun shooting game. The graphics are simple but very detailed and crisp, the effects are beautiful and many colors. The gameplay is simple but not boring with a variety of different maps that challenge your skills.You can earn gems to upgrade your weapons, increasing your power to make it easy to overcome challenges. Simple gameplay, great graphics, this is an incredibly attractive plane shooter that you should try!
744 Views 07/22/2019
This barrage STG gives me a gameplay of Raiden, Sky Force Reload. But unlike to them, the game doesn't have massive bullet rain hell, the effect is not garish. The game system is very simple and difficult is appropriate, there is only one negative for this game which I think the bullet or the point are not clearly distinguishable, it is easy to hit and cause hp down to the bullet at the start. The overall quality and control optimization is great.
Best arcade shooter games that take you back to the arcade
706 Views 02/07/2023
119 Views 10/07/2021
why 9.7 rate here and 3.8 playstore?
Ibrahim Tiar
3 Views 07/23/2019
Bo hame jora ea
3 Views 07/26/2019
6 Views 07/19/2019
超棒的彈幕射擊遊戲,環境的刻畫非常細膩,不愧是蘇打地牢開發商的作品,而且觀感非常棒,子彈打到飛機,會有強烈的爆炸和震盪,很真實。 而遊戲的升級套路是從箱子裡開出裝備而升級,這樣的方式養成起來會比較有成就感,而在遊戲中獲得的技能方塊,就相當於大招,非常的華麗。 如果你喜歡玩彈幕射擊遊戲,這款一定要嘗試下。
6 Views 07/20/2019
從以前到現在彈幕射擊遊戲一直都不是我的拿手項目,看到呈現扇形射出的子彈,搭配追蹤飛彈我就快瘋了,有夠難... 不過這個遊戲的介面和以往的像素彈幕射擊相比,精緻非常多,從角色的外型、icon、戰機與敵人外觀可以知道製作者應該花了不少心力在美工這一塊,遊戲中的每個細節風格都很搭調。
384 Views 07/29/2019
Excelente juego, lo descargue para esos momentos de osio, cuando quieres jugar algo rápido y entretenido, me ha llenado las expectativas, me encantan los juegos pixel based y este combina una excelente historia humo-sarcastica, con acción de naves, sistema de upgrades y corto pero al mismo tiempo largo.
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