out of 10


105 Views 11/30/2021
So i have just play this game for like 1 hour and here are my opinion: This game have a lot of potential to become a really fun Rhythm Games , the gameplay is not too hard to understand but pretty hard to actually master this, great songs collection , UI is pretty neat . I also notice about some stuff that the dev can change a bit to fit more or at least easier to attract more players : + I recommend to add in English for this game , like English Intruction so more players can understand
894 Views 01/01/2022
the gameplay is really different and I love new experiences in rhythm games, but I feel like this game has a lot to become better and a nice game to play. I know some korean so the lack of english was not an issue for me, but I was still confused when I went to play a song. first the tutorial started automatically when I went to pick a song which caught me off guard as I assumed I was already playing the song or the song I picked (the first one that shows) just happened to be the tutorial (which was not), and I believe it should be either started right before I have the option to explore the story/free play modes, or warn me that there is a tutorial available as soon the game starts. the tutorial does not mention that the white notes (I saw blue tap notes, a bigger blue tap note, red hold, yellow slide and pink flick) are double taps so when I encountered them in the song I was taken aback, sure I quickly learned how to hit them but it was still weird. also it's pretty hard to see the chart, maybe because I played without a tablet and thus the screen is significantly smaller, but I believe for a game to be enjoyable it should be at least a bit flexible on the matter. I think this game has lots of potential, but as of now it's not much entertaining. I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure, though! I hope in a few updates I'll be proved wrong
7 Views 05/22/2020
這款音遊再一次拓寬了創新音遊領域。 這款來自韓國開發者的音遊採用散發式的音符呈現方式,整個打歌UI呈正方形(正菱形),客觀來說這樣的玩法確實會讓人耳目一新。但是! 這粗糙的特效是啥玩意?簡潔不等於簡單,就這樣簡簡單單幾個邊框,幾顆尷尬的粒子,使得整體的打歌體驗被破壞殆盡。 另外新手教程也不太負責。沒有把遊戲詳細的機制講出,單純的音符介紹,這樣的新手教程是不友好的,尤其是對於創新音遊來說。 免費歌曲部分,收錄了我很喜歡的《Infinite Heaven》。但可惜,這樣的打歌體驗也只能讓我打完這首歌而已。。。 遊戲的玩法明明可以在音遊圈中得到穩定的地位,但這樣一個媲美半成品的音遊,實在是不能入人法眼。
4.8K Views 05/29/2020
嘛 只給三星的原因是因為遊戲的拍子真的對不上 怎麼調 不是快了就是慢 調出了一首的 下一首就要在改
3K Views 07/22/2022
esta bueno el juego .. es claro que no entiendo el idioma pero el gameplay ami me agrada .....
150 Views 09/15/2021
oke aku terjebak
La música ... 10/10
168 Views 07/22/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?