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Terence masih
3 Views 03/19/2024
Kindly put this game on playstore
430 Views 02/12/2022
What to do while waiting for your bus to come? Chat with your B/GFriend, family or friends? Or get roasted by lava / fall to the abyss cause you didn't choose fast enough? It's a platform arcade game where you move to the right and try to get as far as possible getting as many coins on the way; you have 4 hearts which is very forgiving, but of course lava (time up) and falling is instant death It's noticeable the love put into this game... you can spent as much as you want on it, 3 minutes, 2 hours and the size is so little that there's no excuse to not having in on your device
One Hand, One Game. #4
1.2K Views 03/04/2023
Welcome back again lads and ladies, today I will be recommending you a game that only requires a singular hand to play. This is One Hand, One Game. And today's game is, Hoppenhelm. With simple pixelart artstyle and basic game mechanics, You can explore a dungeon that's littered with treasure and enemies. Collect coins to unlock characters and weapons with unique traits to progress through the game much faster. Hop onto tiles, watch out for traps, block attacks and swing your weapon in
363 Views 03/26/2019
跳躍、攻擊、躲避、收集,四個要素構成了這麼一款街機風格的類跑酷遊戲。 玩家需要操控騎士在隨機生成的關卡中不斷前進,在躲避陷阱和怪物的同時收集金幣以解鎖更多的人物和武器。 遊戲非常樸素,沒有太大的缺點,亦沒有亮眼的優點。如果你希望在公交車上有個能隨玩隨放的遊戲,那本作也是一個不算太差的選擇。
That's everything for now. Start a new game?