Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire (WTWH) casts you as a wizard who must defeat waves of slowly-descending robotic invaders and protect your kingdom.
Story (★★★★☆)
✔️ Simple Mission: Draw the symbols on the balloons and send the invaders tumbling to their deaths
Gameplay (★★★★☆)
✔️ Highly addictive fast-paced arcade game
✔️ Close reminder of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
✔️ Multiple modes available
✔️ Easy to pick up
✔️ Intuitive and responsive controls
✔️ It’s fine if your scribbles are rather lopsided
✔️ A variety of new spells and characters to be unlocked
❌ Challenge ramps up pretty quickly
❌ The game decides when you get to use the spells
Graphics (★★★★★)
✔️ Retro pixel art style
✔️ Close resemblance to 16-bit era of games
✔️ Smooth animations
Audio (★★★★★)
✔️ Engaging soundscape
✔️ Nostalgic 8-bit music
Verdict (★★★★★★★★★☆)
Even after not playing this game for many years, WTWH still remains as engaging and addictive as before. Although it may be a much older game, it is still a breath of fresh air and offers a bewitching gameplay experience.
Furthermore, the game is a lot of fun to play in short bursts and has enough to keep me coming back for more. So, if you’re a fan of arcade games or platformers, this might be right up your alley!
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