Deemo II has you journey with Echo and Deemo as they venture into the rain-soaked world in hopes of finding a way to save it.
Graphics (★★★★★)
✔️ Stunning 2D and 3D hand-drawn art style
✔️ Beautiful anime cutscenes
✔️ Cute cel-shaded character designs
✔️ Close resemblance to Studio Ghibli’s works
Story (★★★☆☆)
✔️ Sequel to Deemo
✔️ Close reminder to Ender Lilies
❌ Storyline can be confusing at first
Gameplay (★★☆☆☆)
✔️ A mashup of game elements (Side-scrolling, semi-open world exploration, NPC interactions, rhythm action game mechanics)
✔️ Rather slow-paced progression speed
✔️ A variety of collectibles that you can collect (You have to use shells to unlock)
✔️ Fast travel is available
✔️ No ads
❌ Everything is tied to a form of currency
❌ Monotonous grinding
❌ Radiance energy system (Story progress is slowed down as it’s stuck behind an energy system)
❌ Many songs are tied in the game’s song packages
❌ Emphasises on monetisation by limiting the number of free coffees
❌ Imbalanced game balancing
Audio (★★★★★)
✔️ Japanese voice overs in dialogues
✔️ Wonderful piano song options
Verdict (★★★★★★★☆☆☆)
Although Deemo II is far from hitting the sweet spot of all things rhythm games, the game is still relatively easy for those who are new to the genre to pick it up, albeit the slight learning curve.
Just before I end it off, prepare yourselves for Deemo II being an expensive game to invest in, but know that f2p players just gotta be patient! 💪🏻
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