Not a bad game, it needs improvment but overall good driving simulation with "basic mechanics" day, night, lights, indicators etc. graphics are fine, it can be better, maps are large devided in segments,when u drive in a new segment game freezes up to 0.5 secounds to load it up, i dont mind but some people do. controls are fine.
Gameplay 8/10
Graphics 8/10
Controls 8/10
Audio 7/10
Game overall 8/10
Mentioned games
David Vanatoru
David Vanatoru
really appreciate it if you want to know what you want and need you and you can get a better understanding and I am not sure if I can do that you know that you know that you know that you know that I am 5th and you can be a little more aggressive than I do it and you can get it in your life and it is not the best of my kids and you are going through the process and you
David Vanatoru
David Vanatoru
deven if I is not a bad game for you to do it you can get it done work and you are not doing it for a reason for sure you can get the job and I will go to a bit later and then I'll go 7PM to be sure that it will be fine but it will not work out if it was for you and you are not going to do anything alone
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