is there anyone playing this 🤔
imma fukin retard here lookin unkown language 😂
Mentioned games
Hong Oon Toh
Hong Oon Toh
I'm playing this and just try to find any similarities between the original global server and this one, makes it a lot easier, but there are also lots of differences like: (M) Laevateinn is gone, Killer princes are an extremely rare species in the story and in the gacha, u can only play the original story in a mode under the story mode called 地上编, and that mode is basically fire emblem, u lose any of the first 7 units, their gone forever unless u restart the chapter. And also (M) Laevateinn technically still exists, but he's name is now just "Zero", and he's lightning attribute, no longer have character quest and can't use Grand Flame.
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