I'm currently playing both the mobile version and pc version and I'm hooked. What a game, honestly it's so good!
The graphics on mobile blew me away, I couldn't believe my phone was rendering the game at max settings 60fps (occasionally dropped to 30ish maybe but tbh I could just lock it to 30 or drop some settings and it'll be smooth)
Combat is great! Genshin had multiple characters you had to swap between on the fly whereas ToF has different characters and you can switch between 3 weapon slots on the fly making for some seriously cool combat styles.
Also the game has guns, personally for me, a good mmorpg with guns is something I've been searching for for years! (There are a few already I'm aware of but I never really vibed with them).
Very visually impressive (especially on the pc client), obviously aesthetic taste is subjective but I do like the visuals here.
The fact that it has cross-platform save is a godsend, I can go out for the day, pick up the phone if I have some spare time to kill (Like when the wife decides to spend an hour in New look) and jump right back in from where I was on the pc! Then come back home and bing bang boop, back to the pc, its great!
Land mount's are a welcome edition and they come in many shapes and sizes. Oh and there's a high speed surfboard for travelling across water, so yeah, that's just straight up fun ngl 😂
I honestly could go on but I feel like If you've read this far then I don't want to spoil any more for you, so give it a try, it's free to play and a great time!
If you want to play the game and don't have an Id or name to login, you can use the 'Huawei App Gallery' method which is pretty straight forward and doesn't require a vpn. I followed a guide on reddit and got it downloaded and playable within 30mins. Just be aware that the language is locked to Chinese so you will have to use a screen translator app. If that's not your cuppa though, you can wait till global release! Hopefully not too long now!
The only issue (and I do mean the one and only issue as I haven't come across any bugs whatsoever yet) is that the attack button on controller is also the interact button so once in a while the game will... Well... yeah its pretty self explanatory tbh.
This review was brought to you by a white dude who doesn't enjoy watching anime but really enjoys playing the games because Eastern combat is just so good 😂
"If you'd like to fax me, press the star key" - Jim Carrey
Mentioned games
how to download the CN PC version?
Sadeem albash Khan
Sadeem albash Khan
I don't know
yep,ToF is very cool
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