Fun for maybe an hour.. until you realize how p2w it really is. After a short time playing you will hit power walls one after another, and with almost no currency rewards.. You will surely be lacking in characters. You have an extremely low chance at SSR units, which are 5x stronger then SR and even SR are too weak to keep fighting with. The gameplay is utterly boring because it's usually one fight, then repeat a bunch of stages to upgrade a tiny bit then attempt a new stage. There seems to be no pity, and the rate for currency might be a 10x once per week with a 3% chance for SSR. Paying? well now.. there's guarenteed pulls, lewd pulls.. or just basic pull whatever; whenever.. for a generous $40 per 10x(That's only twice per month, or $80 after) This game is not recommended for anyone who plays serious.
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