developers of this game please back light and shadow please back this game and make it offline and online please we begging you we are the player is this game please back this game and make it offline and online and realest on goggles play store ever people going to download this game cause is offline and online you can play offline went your internet sucks or play online you have good internet please back this game we need this game please more people going to download this game but you're make this game offline and online and more players playing moba offline game and the graphics is sucks and that people finding moba games offline like graphics like on online games and so many people finding this LXS game in offline mode and online mode. please back this game but this game you make offline and online and is still same graphics and gameplay on offline and online mode people going to download this game please back this game please we miss this game developers please back this game we need this game we begging you developers back this game have offline mode and online mode
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