Patch Notes V1.11 (released 21st June)

 There are some significant changes coming with this patch but they are disabled as we want to make sure everything is stable prior to unlocking it. I will have more to share either this week or next regarding those changes as you will see them shortly. If you have any questions feel free to throw them my way!
- Daily Activity ads no longer let you watch ads while locked
 - Users Fighter now displays damage taken
- Users who were affected by ads not being available should no longer see this issue
 - Fixed “Screen Service Errors” popping up after entering Training Gym
- Kevin Holland no longer crashes the game
- Ad reward pack can no longer be claimed when the ad offers says it's locked
 - Counter Abilities are now correctly tracked for the Daily Quest
- Masvidal no longer misses his 3rd light strike
 - Fight Button no longer shows Stamina cost after losing or forfeiting a fight
 - Fixed overlapping issue in the Account Level screen
 - Claiming a Tier 3 Generic Rank Fragment no longer crashing game for specific users
- Added KO leg animations
 - Users no longer get sent back to the Main Menu during a “Guild Not -Found” error during Raids
- Creating a large enough distance between Fighters no longer causes the AI to become inactive
- Making a purchase in the Guild Market no longer makes the timer disappear
 - Fighter Power Level is correctly updated after level/rank up is done in a filtered list in My Camp
 - Info panel no longer covers the rank items in the Fighter Rank Up screen
 - Guild related popups are now vertically centered
 - Removed “Unlock More Fighters” during the initial tutorial
- Rose Namajunas, Brandon Moreno, and Alexa Grasso combos now connect properly
 - BJJ Training Gym Level 4 no longer crashes when trying to enter a match
- Fixed infinite loading loop when attempting to link account
 - The ability icon no longer disappears when tapping on it
- Fighter Vanity are now correctly displayed when viewing other's profiles
- Clinch ability no longer fails when used moments before cage shove
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