enjoyable grind. Can unlock all ssr units over time, easy to understand progression and leveling, stamina system so generous it will cap majority of the time! Once you reach the later chapters of the story and you make your way twords the endgame, it will introduce you to lvl mechanics that will boost dmg as well as fully awaken your ssr units. Endgame loop, lots to do but not tedious! As you play you gain more insight. World chat is funny and entertaining.
F2p freindly, you can whale but it does not make sense since you can can farm all mats daily/weekly. Anniversary is comming up so new or returning players should reconsider playing.
Events super generous
Guild system is top tier!! This is one of the game that succeeded in guild building, so much fun things to do ina guild such as guild boss. donation, guild war, and can carry each other for equipment/dungeon runs. Take advantage of joining a guild early on itl make your progression 2x faster.
skins are nice that comes with banner and unique border design to stand out. Ther is also ability ffect that comes with the purchase skin. Grandchase skin is just to nice I've spent around 100$, each skin costing about $17.99
overall 8.5/10 game I find it enjoyable
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