For as far as these two companies have come since HIT, they still don't seem to understand how to make a game look truly good on a mobile device.
The characters are fully voiced, with animation that shows mouth movement and authentic emotion. The maps are detailed and the characters can be customized. Despite all of this, you enter a game that feels like it is on battery saver and turning the graphics to maximum leaves you with what any other game would call medium. All of that detail becomes almost meaningless when the game seems pixelated.
The battles are as monotonous as any other Nexon game and the story is nothing special for how much you have to swallow before a single attack. There is no point that I looked at the game and thought "wow, games in 2019 are amazing." Instead, I kept thinking how OVERHIT did some amazing things with blur effects that must have been too costly for a larger game.
This is the next evolution of Nexon games, so it leaves them only a few years behind companies like Tencent and Pearl Abyss. Nevertheless, they will surely bleed people dry attempting to pass it off as the most advanced thing since the creation of the cellular telephone.
Mentioned games
global version keeps reconnecting it has servers issues ohhh I keep getting back when I move !!!
I couldn't agree more. I fondly remember the days that I'd become excited by news of a new Nexon release. I'm not sure precisely the events that took place marking their downfall, but down they've fallen. I found V4 to be vapid, uninspired and frankly, boring as hell. it didn't occupy space on my devices for long.
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