for this kind genre of game , i think the graphics was okay even kinda polished .. the music&sounds well its RO to the core so no problem here. this is an alternative for those likes ro as background but tired of playing mmorpg and wanting to play ACG strategy games. Personally i like monsters as my units so I'd love to play the game, as the strategy goes more deeper in later stages for now i kinda having fun running stages with poring squad :) its very cute and adorable 🤣
the gameplay is auto oriented , so player only could choosing the team formation , where they move / who to aim (once the battle start player can use which skills want to use). since the foundation is from RO , these each character will use the same unique skills from it. also i still dunno the use of dupe since you only need ygg fruit to evolve the stars.
the cons i encountered so far is the community. since this is a obt and i assume the release was meant for thailand users so it would be hard to find ENG players. some minor translation but the rest is fine atm.
so im gonna keep playing for a while
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