If you have played the recent Tencent Dragon Ball, then you can see that Tencent games are steadily improving. The integration with the original story has not gotten much better over time, but the core game has shown some nice improvements in quality and smoothness.
The game feels like it is an interactive anime. The dialogs are mostly voiced and include character portraits that are animated to the specific scene. The colors are vivid and the textures are crisp. Compared to games like SoulWorker, this looks like something that was made a couple years later.
The story panels are low resolution and some of the voiceover sounds like the volume was boosted too much, which creates that muffled effect. The images appear a bit out of focus. Fortunately, these are used sparingly and only to tie the dialog back to the original show. Leaving them out completely would probably have made the game better.
The game has a very authentic feel to it even without the failed attempt to use direct panels in the story. The voices sound like the original characters, even in a different language. It seems like a lot of effort was invested in a game that did the show justice.
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