'Just Cause: Mobile' review

This has an "Over The Top" view point, which alone makes this a very different type of game when thinking of Just Cause. It can be fun at times, getting kills and level progression normally putting a smile on MY face...but it also seems a bit thrown together and a bit chaotic when grenades are flying from every direction with bullets protecting them and at that moment where the "Dash" button would literally be a life saver, yeah only having really one speed type is super duper disappointing realizing it was inevitable not getting out of the way fast enough....and instead of that being a challenge for me to overcome and get passed all that, it really just made me hit the Home button on my phone to either look for something else to play...or to clear out all my recent apps, put the phone down wherever I may be at that moment and migrate to any soft/comfortable spot in my house or friends house or Wal-Mart and take one serious "hate-nap".   Other than that, it's mediocre and falls a bit short behind other somewhat AAA "Over The Top" view games.
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