2020년4/28 Dungeons and Evil Game Official launch
Hello, from the first visit to Dungeon & Evil game
What if the game ends immediately?
-Settings-> Application-> DungeonAndEvil-> Storage-> Delete data
다면 What if you can't log in to Google?
1. Settings-> Applications-> Google Play Games-> Storage-> Delete Data
2. Settings-> Applications-> Google Play Services-> Storage-> Delete Data
3. Settings-> Applications-> DungeonAndEvil-> Storage-> Delete Data
It is best if you do all three.
If you have a problem like this, try to solve it like that
If you still can't use that method, come here in the link
If you come here, write down the details and we will solve it quickly.
And uncomfortable part, unfortunate part, lacking part, problem part
If there is a back, please write the details in the link over there to improve
It can help a lot.
That's the address of the official Naver Cafe in Korea.
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