Rush Rally 3 Delivers Amazing Weather Effects For A Fun Racing Experience

Rush Rally 3 has its ups and downs and is an average racing experience. The graphics aren't horrible but also not superb either. What I do love is the weather simulation affects that occur during a race. The rain and snowstorms bring some life to the graphics and help make it not feel so dull. The racetracks tend to feel very similar in style and lack originality. It often feels like you're playing the same track again despite it saying you are not.
The game gives you a few different options for controls. The most reliable is the first setup which delivers a traditional layout. You have 2 buttons on the left for steering left and right. On the right side you have a gas button and a brake button. I tried out the gyro option that has you use your device as a steering wheel, and it was an awful experience. The game also has controller support which looks more promising than the touch screen controls. The audio was about on par with what you would expect. The sounds effects on the engines are done well.
Monetization wise the game is a flat fee of $4.99 to play. However, there is also some microtransactions in the game as well. The game offers a live events mode which lets you compete against other live players in special weekly events. This mode is pay walled off though and costs and additional $2.49. Don't get me wrong I think the prices are not that bad, but I was disappointed when I found out I needed to shell out more money for a better experience. Overall, I think it's a solid racing simulation game. If you enjoy racing games then you will find some enjoyment. The game lacks anything special though to bring in outsiders who may not have tried a racing game before.
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