the new content is eitheir endless grind or its eitheir a content which require you to farm for a very long period of time new contents has not been targeted well eitheir they create contents for new cosmetics but all require dragon crystals in it meaning new content added is eitheir gear towards paid cosmetics creation and endless grinding dlc new content for gameplay.Instead of being more of a free to play content for players to enjoy and last long term for the game.Instead of rushing new content and gearing players towards paying money I think ae should put in more effort into investing interesting content so players might be more interested in getting to know the game and pay for well something worthwhile.For now the coming out like every single mounts 4500dcs and new content concert mounts get faster instead of endless grind 1900dcs and new updates buy dcs now 50%cheaper! well.. without prior interesting contents but more so gearing to release fast content to get money from players $$$.I am hearing out and benefitting the community and making your games intersting more or less is important. First you created games for players and your community...well not for you first...btw Keep up your work!
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