The Inner World - The Last Wind Monk: A Fantastic POINT AND CLICK Adventure

The Inner World - The Last Wind Monk is a fabulous point and click heavy story driven puzzle game where you must figure out how to solve each location while point and clicking your way to the answer. And if you get stuck, you can always go and get as many hints as you like until the game pretty much gives you the answer. So you won't ever get stuck for too long.
I love the voice acting, art style and the animation. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out how to play this game, and how to solve the puzzles before caving in and reading the clues. The writing is also really funny too! I was also surprised to find that the game was fully voice acted. Really top quality. This game is a premium game, and at the time of writing this, it is on sale . This game is also available on Steam on PC and it costs a lot more than the mobile version.
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