This game reminds me of Rangers of Oblivion, but without being a complete train wreck. It manages to look and feel like a console game, but does not run like it was ported from a console by first-time developers.
The graphics are smooth and complex enough to give a feeling of realism. It does not attempt to turn a battle into a firework display, which is a nice break. Instead, this game feels more like what you would expect from Capcom if they made a Monster Hunter for 2020. Realistically, the current title from Capcom is more than a little dated.
There is just enough character customization to create someone that feels like your own, but not so much that you become overwhelmed. Compared to titles like Black Desert Mobile, this could use a little more flexibility. There could be a little more, but this could also be a result of the beta aspect.
Overall, I am happy I tried this game out and will be following the progress of it. I think it helps when a game previews later progress before entering the tutorial, but was not thrilled to see there is an auto mode. Fortunately, it appears that it may not include skills. At least that would leave some of the game to the actual player.
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