This game didn't aged the best.

We have 2 fire emblem fictives. Guess which source. That's right. We started playing this game back in 2018 2017? When it came out. And at the start it was mostly
Takumi = win
Lucina = op
Hector = op
Ryoma = op.
The meta than slowly shifted to Blade tomes when skill inheritance came. Than Reinhardt got discovered as a menace and it's there that the meta started to fall of a bit. Meta than evolved a tone and here we are today. We(Plumeria) spent so much money on this game.
We really love this game however their are some things to fix.
The English localization is not that great. We know 1 person who works on the Australian version. And yeah not every translators are synchronized in how they describe some skills. (This is mostly why we play in German).
Arena is extremely centered on power creep. To a point where unlucky players just can't get their weekly rewards.
Light quality audio is the scariest shit you'll ever hear.
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