One Potato, Six Arms and Ready to take all of you down! - Brotato Game Review

Today we are looking at another game that follows the "Vampire Survivor's" method, meaning:
Staying in a Specific Space
Gaining New Level ups and Powers
Fighting tons of enemies and more!
Auto-Fire and Move around
And this game is also excellent and addictive!
The game we are looking at today is called Brotato.
A spaceship from Potato World crashes onto an alien planet. The sole survivor is Brotato, the only potato capable of handling six weapons simultaneously. Waiting to be rescued by his mates, Brotato must survive in this hostile environment.
My Experience:
The art style of Brotato reminds me abit of " Binding of Issac."
Every new play-through you start allows you to customize your character with different face styles, accessories, and other attachments, but with each one you choose has different stats, effects, and ways to help you throughout the round, which can be upgraded.
Along with the weapons you gain throughout the game, you can either fuse them to upgrade their power/status or recycle them for more currency to help you get more weapons.
Honestly, Brotato can get addictive after a while of playing this.
Pros and Cons of Brotato
Great Price for $3
Addictive Gameplay
Great Bullet Hell Game
Works on Steam Deck!
Alot of Replay-ability
It will get you addicted to playing more and more
More and More vampire Survivor games are being released. Becoming more addictive with each one, and I greatly recommend this one!
Brotato gets a rating of:
Highly Recommended
Also very cheap for a great game!
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Azazell Gugaga
Azazell Gugaga
It's one of the most fun roguelikes, that doesn't require much skill, knowledge or time to have fun
Hi there, thanks for your review and sharing! Hope you enjoyed and feel free to reach out if you have any fun ideas, we always appreciate your feedback! Have a nice day dear:D
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