Brotato Is Chaotic Fun!!

Brotato is a great game that anyone can pick up and play. This game isn't tied to a specific genre so anyone can have a blast playing it. The controls are very simple. All you need to focus on is moving your character around the screen. The weapons you have will auto fire. Your main objective is to survive as long as you can wave after wave of enemies. Each wave you will need to kill a certin number of monsters before you can advance to the next wave. After you complete the level, you will have upgrades to choose from for leveling up your brotato. These upgrades will typically upgrade certain stats on your character. Then you will have a list of items pop up that you can buy with your green coins. You get the green coins from destroying monsters, but you must walk near them to pick them up after they drop from a dead enemy.
These items can give you buffs to your stats or give you special effects. You will also have different weapons show up allowing you to buy them as well. The fun part is you can use multiple weapons at the same time making your brotato a crazy powerhouse. At one point my potato had 5 different weapons it was using at the same time. Thats when the game becomes extremely fun and chaotic. The early game can be a bit slow and boring. The other problem I faced was the aspect ratio was incorrect. After a wave the items were cut off on the left side of the screen.
One of my favorites parts is the different potatoes you can choose from. They not only look different but also each has a certain playstyle to them. Some are good using melee weapons while others are better with range. Some are good with elemental weapons as well. This makes finding the perfect builds for each character fun and never dull. It's a simple concept that was executed very well. Highly recommend you try this game out. You will have a blast with it.
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Hello, really appreciate your feedback and that's really flattered! Hope you enjoy our game and feel free to reach out if you have any idea or suggestions! Thanks again and have a nice day.
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