RPG Alvastia Chronicles - A Quick Game Review

RPG Alvastia Chronicles is a classic RPG pixel-art mobile game that gave me a lot of nostalgic vibes of old final fantasy console games. I think the story content in this game is really good and there is a great sense of storyline progression with our characters leveling up, gearing up with better equipment and having more additional party members. Even though the 2D pixel-art graphics is really outdated but the awesome gameplay mechanics and open world adventure is quite a thrill to enjoy!
Looking into the basic combat mechanics, your characters can do regular attack or do advanced skill attacks to kill enemies. You can even swap your characters in mid-game, take guard stance, use items in mid battle or even flee when you think you can't win anymore. I certainly appreciated the auto feature in this game which can be a great help to quickly finish off the battles especially when you are grinding.
I also appreciated the advanced gameplay mechanics which could give me a lot more tactical advantage in the battle if I can plan it right. Developing a good strategy before entering a hard battle is quite crucial for your good team performance. There are elemental advantages and skill usage limits that we need to keep in mind. In my opinion, even though they are quite basic but they do add a lot of fun in the gameplay.
Surprisingly, I loved the epic boss battles in this game. The boss unit figures are quite gigantic compared our regular character figures. Boss battles do take a true test of our strength. I found it very thrilling as I was now looking forward to strengthen my characters very strongly before taking epic revenge on boss units.
Looking into the basic gameplay map, its quite simple and all you need to do is to move around to find out other dungeons, villages, jungles or towns. But I found the controls to be a bit hard to deal with in this game. Our characters can't make diagonal movement and they do have faster walking speed which makes it quite hard to get through certain doors or passages in the game. It did remind me of the classic RPG games like final fantasy V, which were a great hit during 1990's. The story rich games like these are certainly very enjoyable as they are quite immersive.
Overall, this game is very awesome and I highly recommend you guys to try this game out if you still do want to enjoy those nostalgic feelings of classic RPG games. Surprisingly, this game is free and has no real cash purchase contents. But there are lots of advertisement videos for you to watch from time to time during the middle of the gameplay. Let me know what you think of this game in the comments below. Cheers!
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