This game is all you need if you wanna be a G O D, The Mighty Creator, The Powerful One or whatever. You crated the soil make them be hills, mountains or just make a fishing pond. You happy, just make the rain. You sad ? Angry ? Stress ?? Just bummed the ground, use fire or lightning, I hope you won't because I used to and have to play again. Wanna be worshipped build a totem... This is one of the best build games in store you can get. It reminded me Black and White on PC. There's in app purchased, of course, but if you just want to enjoy the game slowly, step by step, that's problem. I don't know how to describe details of the game 'cause I'm not good in English ( almost of these I use Gg trans)😆😆😆
So if you like be The Creator, build a village from zero, try this game. Or just looking for a new fresh. Have fun.
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