If you want a REAL generous mobile game, give this game a try!

I've seen plenty of other posts with the "Themostgenerousgacha" hashish tag, mentioning games like Blue Archive, Punishing Gray Raven, Demian Saga, etc. and I won't deny that those games are generous. They really are, but generous is all they are. If you want a SUPER GENEROUS, entirely free to play game with NOTHING locked behind a paywall, then you have to give Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe a try!
Some of you who have played this game before will say that this game has paid gacha currency, and yes, that's true, but it's practically the same as the free gacha currency. Why, you ask? Well, it's quite simple, but first, I have to mention that, in RSRS, banners ALWAYS come out in pairs: One free banner and one paid banner.
Now let's get back to where we left off. The ONLY difference between free and paid banners is that paid banners are cheaper, that's all. The rates, which is 5% for the highest character rarity, are the same for both banners and the characters you can get from those two banners are also the same.
There's also a large variety of items in the paid shop, but those can EASILY be obtained from normal stages in the game. Unless you're a whale or some impatient little kid, don't even think of buying those. If you want to support this game, I recommend buying gacha currency instead.
Anyway! Let's get back to the main reason why I created this topic. The devs will often give a whopping 2000+ gacha currency to their players just for doing a bunch of easy missions. That's almost one multi pull! In some events, the rewards can go over 10k gacha currency! In other words, you're guaranteed to have 3-4 multi pulls after clearing those events!
This game isn't just generous with gacha currency, no! Every week or so, you'll receive an insane amount of stamina potions! Unless you somehow manage to play 24/24, 7/7, there's no way to use all of them! In other words, this game has one of those annoying stamina systems that 99% of gacha games have, but in RSRS, you have unlimited stamina, and that, without cheating! How neat is that!? ✦.✦
These days, game devs as generous as the ones in charge of RSRS are even rarer than the rarest of gems, wouldn't you agree?
And the best of all in all of this is that
Even lower rarity characters!
In Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe, there's no PvP content, so you're free to play with the characters you want! I've been playing only with my favorite characters ever since this game came out and I've still been able to clear over 90% of the content!
Of course, if you're the type of player who likes to mix and match characters to try and make the best team ever, then you'll love this game even more! In RSRS, there's a crazy amount of playable characters! Each of them has their own skill sets and passive abilities. You can also inherit skills, change the formation of your party, which gives different stat boosts.... There's a ton of things you can do!
Long story short, If you want to play an incredibly generous, f2p game with absolutely no paywalls and unlimited stamina, then this game is for you! Or if you're like me and you just want to play a game that has beautiful pixel art and anime style 2D character portraits, a good story, a great soundtrack, lots of characters & ways to customize them and fun battles & neat skill animations, then you absolutely have to give this game a try! You won't regret it, trust me! ✦.✦
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