Game starts with a good pace (except by the long waiting time to open boxes), and it is a nice game to play, especially with friends, but after you unlock the 9th Region there is no longer a progression feeling. Even though the weapons and armor will keep increasing in price to upgrade, the rewards you get will stay at the same rate.
Gameplay wise, the enemy behavior really needs a rework and in some levels, enemy spawn points should be fixed.
Talking about the Developers: you better hope to never encounter a problem that requires their help, some people can get anywhere around 6 months to get simple problems fixed (go to their Discord and see it for yourself),  while the pvp is full of hackers and everyday new report are made, devs only hunt people who are trying to beat the monetization model, or if by any chance, the game glitches and people can get more rewards than the normal, they are the first ones on the list to get banned.
Simple problems, with simple solution are not on their radar, (ask any veteran about the siren bug or reputation reset bug). But when a problem involving free rewards appears... they will do everything to fix it asap.
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