The graphics look incredible, each Sprite has a way of fitting neatly into the game and the story doesn't drag along at all, unlike some games of a similar nature. What I will say, however is that I encountered some bugs- some UI such as the pause menu and upgrade menu are a bit finicky, the map however is completely busted, I struggled more with the map than some of the combat. Also in the gnoblin maze, I somehow missed a cutscene trigger (a dialogue noticing the hippogriff) until I was exiting the maze. Glitches aside this project is incredible and I cannot wait to see more because this story has me hooked!
(Also I got up to Fort stonewall, but I'm not fully sure if that's even the end of this patch, because it said new quest at the top of the screen but there were no more levels to interact with -as though they were cut off above the top of the screen- so that's either a bug or I'm just stupid)
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Half Human Games Official
Thank you so much for giving our game a try and taking the time to write such a thorough review! We are so glad that you enjoyed the game. I will upload a patch that fixes the World Map bug very soon and made note of the other issues so we can fix them as well. Thanks for pointing these issues out and helping us improve the game. Also, Fort Stonewall is the last level of the Prologue :)
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