Happy Independence Day! Celebrate with the games with the most FREEDOM 🦅🦅🦅

Light up the BBQ, grab some fireworks, and wear your best red, white, and blue shirt because America is turning 247 years old! July 4th is a great time. Not just because of the above activities but because July 4th is FREEDOM Day. On this day, we celebrate the American Independence Day and that means the rules don't apply! Run the red lights, wear different colored socks, eat dinner for breakfast, buy a bald eagle, and unleash it upon your enemies. It's all permissible on July 4th. Alright, so maybe... I celebrate the holiday a bit differently, but we can all agree that we should celebrate our freedom to play some great games, and what's better than these open-world gems that will let you explore the vast horizon? These are just a few of my favorites, but there are so many others. Remember to leave some of your favorites in the comments section below.

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