A PvP shooter that isn’t exactly PvP | Full Review - Protectors: Shooter Legends

Protectors: Shooter Legends is a third-person shooter with PvE and PvP gameplay. This 4v4 title is all about clashing with opponents in thrilling battles across a range of engaging game modes and maps. Featuring a diverse cast of heroes, each armed with a unique weapon and ability.
+Quick, bite-sized matches +Accessible Gameplay, non complex movement and abilities +Diverse range of heroes to unlock and select +Variety of distinct game modes
-Asynchronous PvP, only matched against bots -Non-customizable fixed button placements -Energy / stamina system to limit play -Performance issues
The backdrop of Protectors: Shooter Legends is a futuristic world where humanity thrives in the wake of advancements in medical technology, surpassing the challenges of war, poverty, and more. However, this newfound prosperity faces a dire threat from an enigmatic alien civilization with the power to mimic human attributes and abilities. Dubbed the "Protectors" initiative, players are tasked with countering this formidable foe to safeguard humanity's future. — Typical hero shooter premise, however the story isn't the focal point, even the characters lack full voiceovers, especially in the roughly 15 minute tutorial where everything must be read by the player.
Visually, the game adopts a stylized cartoon 3D art style that contributes to its approachable and accessible nature. The graphics are clean, vibrant, and the overall art direction feels cohesive, keeping the interface slick and easy to navigate. Although there aren't overly complex visual elements, the game's aesthetic serves its purpose well, creating an immersive environment for fast-paced shooting battles, similar to games like Overwatch, or Valorant.
The gameplay itself maintains a simplicity that aligns with the bite-sized nature of the matches. There is an auto-aim that adds a level of accessibility, particularly reminiscent of console shooters like Halo, which helps players focus on the action without being bogged down by intricate aiming. Matches are designed to be quick, lasting between one to two minutes, making it ideal for both quick on-the-go sessions and low-stress competitive gaming.
While the absence of certain traditional mechanics like jumping, crouching, and taking cover feels barebones and limits the depth for players seeking a more intricate approach, it nonetheless harmonizes well with the game's fast-paced nature. Each character is equipped with a single unique skill, which enhances the game's bite-sized orientation. However, for those accustomed to games with deep mechanics and high skill ceiling, this is a bit lacking.
Progression in Protectors: Shooter Legends introduces a stamina / energy system that limits continuous play, although it replenishes over time. The game also employs familiar elements like loot boxes, cosmetics, battle passes, and premium characters with their own distinct skills and weapon types, giving the option to spend real money to further unlock and customize their characters.
The game's controls offer three different schemes to accommodate different play styles: auto-fire, auto-fire with manual shooting, and purely manual shooting. An accessibility option that allows players to choose a control scheme that suits their comfort level. However, I find the non-customizable fixed button placements very limiting, and doesn’t really offer much accessibility especially for players who have gotten used to their own personal configurations in other mobile shooter games.
Protectors: Shooter Legends showcases a range of game modes, aptly named "Missions", each offering its own unique flavor of fun. We have game modes like Control, Elimination, Team Deathmatch, and many more, each with their own type of gimmicks and are all fun in their own way. Players can play any game mode right from the get go, but in a randomized manner.
The ability to choose a preferred game mode will unlock as players progress through the game. However, it's important to note that the advertised PvP gameplay is primarily asynchronous, as players are only pitted against AI bots rather than live opponents. The only PvP aspect is the League leaderboards.
In terms of performance, the game allows up to 90 fps, which is a neat feature for those who come equipped with screens above 60hz. However, it's worth mentioning that the game suffers from random lagging issues even with my Snapdragon 888 device, which can be a bit frustrating and disrupt the overall experience.
Protectors: Shooter Legends offers a simplified yet engaging third-person action shooting experience. Its blend of approachable gameplay, diverse hero selection, and stylized visuals contribute to its appeal. While it may not cater to those who seek deep mechanics or those looking for a true competitive PvP gameplay, its bite-sized matches and wide array of characters and abilities make it an enjoyable choice for quick gaming sessions and low stress competitive play.
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