I'm and the near future I hope you update me. I used to play this game and on the Xbox 360 and I loved it the only thing I did love was after the mission you had to go solo I do not like going solo I like to play with other people if you know anything about good updates please let me know please I can give you a good code to go on PC and play for free I know all the details about Halo reach was my favorite on Halo I played it 26 times already on my Xbox I can play it more and more and more and I don't get a crap about others I just want to see more updates I've been playing Skyrim GTA GTA Vegas it's a new one that just came out last week update 64.
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if you think I'm a snitch you better watch it you're talking to a police officer and I just want to tell you I played my future update Skyrim GTA v Vegas and I just want to tell you if you're going to be rude to me and give me another message I will report you to your leader governor sound like from a walking Dead tell me what to do and I'm a drug unit so you better watch your back home boy.
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