A balanced mix of arcade fun and immersive realism | Beta Review - Racing Master

Racing Master, a mix of arcade and realistic sim racing game, zooms onto the mobile and PC gaming scene with a Closed Regional Beta Test for the US region, this closed beta runs from November 9 to November 28, 2023, offering players a glimpse of the game before an official release. (note that beta progress will be wiped out) Developed by both Netease and Codemaster, it’s not surprising to see a game with this high levels of production and it clearly shows, from the graphics, presentation, and the abundance of content it brings. 📖Story and Premise
Racing Master puts players in the shoes of a new trainee driver for the Pioneer Junior, and starts the game in a so-called entrance trials. It allows players to create their own personalized characters with a character creator with the option to further customize their cosmetics going forward. You meet Gloria, the coach of the team, along with other female characters that’s obviously entering Waifu territory, and I’m not gonna lie, I like it instead of going hyper serious about it. Honestly, the story is all about your character starting from a Junior Driver and advancing through the ranks.  It serves as a flavorful backdrop for the game, essentially an excuse to keep you racing. Despite the top-notch presentation and full voice acting, I didn't find myself compelled to invest significant attention in the narrative. 🎨Graphics and Art Style
Racing Master looks stunning and is indiscernible from a console game, except for a slight reduction in resolution quality. The quality of the cars and varied environments is highly realistic, making it arguably one of the best, if not the best, looking racing games on mobile. Even the character models are gorgeous, at times looking like its pre-rendered, though they are, in fact, just the in-game graphics. The environments range from urban cities to scenic countrysides. To further appreciate the beauty of the graphics, some game modes feature a Photo Mode that you can try—which is surprising as this feature is only usually seen in Console / PC games. 📺Presentation
From its lively introduction and voice-acted characters to its high quality production and impressive visuals, the presentation of this game is top-notch. At times, it felt like I was actually playing Forza Horizon on Xbox or Gran Turismo on the PS5, instead of a mobile phone game, immersing players in a console-like experience on at the palm of their hands. 🏁Gameplay
The game is positioned as a real-time simulation racing game, but Racing Master's gameplay actually leans more towards the immersive arcade style. The handling of cars strikes a fine balance between realism and arcade fun. Races are designed for quick, on-the-go gaming sessions, with most races lasting under three minutes. This format is perfect for on-the-go gaming and quick sessions, eliminating the need to invest a significant amount of time to play the game and race in numerous laps. Each city location, from America to Europe to Asia, is recycled to feature multiple variations of tracks. For example, Chicago has about 7 variants, ranging from long circuits to a mini track. It's a racing game through and through. One feature I liked the most about the races is the temporary collision removal during the first few meters. Furthermore, continuous collisions will also temporarily turn off collisions. This aspect allows racers to gain momentum before engaging with other cars on the track, avoiding griefing as well. There’s no collision damage or vehicle damage model, so the cars always maintain a pristine visual appearance. The game is playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. In singleplayer, you progress through a series of story chapters and training drills, while multiplayer focuses on racing with or against other people online in ranked matches. In this game, acquiring better cars and upgrading them is essential for improved performance, and this is where the gacha system and in-game purchases comes in. Different cars have varying stats that significantly impact your performance in races. ⏫Progression
The progression system in Racing Master is structured around advancing through story chapters, engaging in training drills, and competing in multiplayer ranked matches. The acquisition and enhancement of cars are central to success, introducing a gacha system and in-game purchases.  The game strikes a delicate balance, ensuring that while spending money can expedite progress, skill and strategy remain an important aspect. The variety of cars and customization options offer a sense of accomplishment as players build and evolve their dream vehicles. The monetization model revolves around in-app purchases, primarily for acquiring premium currency and items. 🎮Controls
The game offers three control schemes: buttons, gyro controls, or virtual touch steering. It includes both auto and manual acceleration options, as well as an option to automate drift. I found that auto acceleration with manual drift provided a nice mix of fun and control, working best for my casual playstyle and likely being the more popular option for the majority. Players can also tweak the assists the game provides, from driving assists to virtual suggestion lines on the track. The game offers a plethora of accessibility options. Although if you opt to use it, you may find the driving assist occasionally fighting with your own control inputs. For driving vehicles, the game supports physical controllers like a Dualshock or Xbox controller. However, menu and UI navigation are still done with the touchscreen. 🔧Cars and Customization
In this game, you can collect and own nearly 100 licensed cars, including Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches. Additionally, you can customize and modify aspects such as engines and tires to enhance performance or change cosmetics, part by part, to suit your preferences. Customization is a comprehensive and integral part of the game. Many cosmetics can be bought with in-game currency (Gold), while car performance mods will require some materials. Racing Master also features base management elements, including managing your headquarters, racing team, and facilities. 📊Technical Performance
Despite its impressive visuals, the game ran decently on my Snapdragon 888 device. I was able to play at medium settings and a high frame rate option, and honestly, I’m satisfied with its performance during this beta test, with some acceptable drops given the quality of the game. My only gripe is the long loading times and initializations when starting out. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement, particularly addressing occasional stutters and texture/model pop-ins. ⚖️Conclusion
Racing Master delivers a balanced mix of arcade fun and immersive realism. The game's high production values, stunning graphics, and engaging gameplay make it a standout in the mobile gaming market. Even it its beta state, the game already looks and feels good. If you want a balanced mix of arcade fun and immersive realism, then Racing Master is the game for you to check out when it releases.
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