Division Resurgence (BETA ACCESS) Gameplay -5 Min

here is about five minutes of gameplay plus some cut scenes from Division resurgence beta access. The game so far seems like a remake of the original division, which I’m not mad about. I can feel that it took some of the smoothness of the division two and some of the stylistics, but kept true to the division one score and what people loved about this series I played for about an hour before my phone overheated, and I had to charge it, yes the game is powerful and I wasn’t even running on max specs but to note I am playing on a iPhone 11 Pro so not the optimal device. I am a huge fan of this franchise and to me this game is the perfect blend of the series. Of course, there are graphical bugs and glitches but i can tell they are working siligently on this.
👍 Pros: The gear level systems are a great rework of how you level gear and i only just scratched the surface of it
👍 Pros: i love the new interactive little puzzle additions. There is a mission where you have to actually have to use a screwdriver and turn it to open a plate and move a wire to cut another wire. And then there was a safe containing loot. I absolutely love this it makes the game much more interactive and gives more reason to discover the open world and immerses you just a bit more into the franchise.
👎 Cons: Graphical errors which will fix in time
👎 Cons: I looked briefly st the monetization store and i didnt like how it kind of seems like it might be a pay for power system. I could be wrong but that was just my impression scanning through.
these are just brief observations i will answer any other questions I can the more i dive into the game.
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I do not agree with that, your phone is overheating and graphics error,I don't know but you are totally wrong because of the problem with your old phone, not with the game play....I also play this game and you can find my posted video and my game progresses more than you
It may be. I haven’t had a chance to try on my Pro max 13. And by now im into my 30s and still leveling. Keep grinding and enjoy the game
Did you find the gear leveling system user friendly? I struggled with systems like that before.
It can be overwhelming for those not familiar with the franchise but I will say keeping up with what leveling loot has been a hassle. I haven’t reached my endgame builds yet which is where that stuff really matters. You can level weapons, gear and attachments and mods. What i do like is that once you find a weapon it can be crafted freely and if it is high end(Gold or better) you can recalibrate the stats or skills. And proficiency building is pretty good also
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Play. BAT
Play. BAT
What is the phone? Or u play on BlueStacks?
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iPhone 11 Pro
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