Add this to the growing list of rogue-lite arena survival games | Impressions - Immortal Survivors

Immortal Survivors is a recently released rogue-lite arena survival game on Android via TapTap that takes players on a journey through the demon-infested land of Shenzhou. The game boasts a distinctive art style, merging traditional Chinese drawings with cartoon graphics, offering a unique visual experience.
As the genre's one-handed control scheme evolves into a more dynamic two-handed approach for this game, Immortal Survivors introduces elements of aiming and dashing, elevating the player's engagement compared to genre flagships like Brotato and Vampire Survivors. It's almost an ARPG game now, but with auto-attack and auto-activation of skills.
For those unfamiliar, rogue-lite arena survival games have a simple but addicting formula: The player character automatically attacks and defends itself against waves of waves of monsters, and they have to survive as long as they can. During the course of the run, they become more powerful overtime, every now and then giving players choices over which skills and attributes to upgrade.
With a focus on linear progression, multiple boss fights, and a variety of characters and skills, Immortal Survivors aims to deliver an immersive experience in the world of demon-slaying. And it does for the most part. It's fun, engaging, and performed smoothly on my Snapdragon 888 device. Of course, there are caveats. The game is free-to-play, but there ads now and there are bits of pay to progress elements. You are also gated now with a stamina/energy system to be able to start runs, which can stop you from playing for extended periods of time, which is unfortunate for a genre this addicting.
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Logan Hennessey
Logan Hennessey
I'm going to play it
Logan Hennessey
Logan Hennessey
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