Albion Online | first update of 2024: Crystal Raiders

Albion Online enters a new era January 8, with its first update of 2024: Crystal Raiders.
This update re-envisions Guild Warfare in Albion Online, with Territory Raiding that brings thrilling new dimensions to territory control, while allowing smaller guilds more opportunities to strike during a season.
Crystal Raiders also introduces Crystal Weapons, powerful weapons with unique abilities crafted from Artifacts gained as season rewards. The first three weapons fill out the Sword, Spear, and Arcane Staff lines, with three new weapons coming each subsequent season.
Hideouts are rebalanced to offer more stability the longer they are held, with reworked crafting bonuses based on Power level.
A Daily Might Bonus gives a boost for all territories owned each day, rewarding the efforts of dedicated players.
A reworked Conqueror's Challenge means that the levels and sizes of Challenge Chests are boosted by both personal and guild progress in different ways, encouraging participation in a greater variety of seasonal activities.
And rare Tracking Targets that drop valuable loot add a new dimension to Albion's dangerous open-world zones.
On top of all this, Crystal Raiders includes numerous combat balance changes, a region quality overlay for the world map, and numerous optimizations and improvements for players of all levels and playstyles.
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