Aether Gazer has reached it's Golden Age - Patch 2.0

Patch 2.0 heralds the start of a drastic jump in character gameplay and design in Aether Gazer. With the introduction of Jin Wu and Lingguang as well as Aether Gazer moving into the 2.0 series of updates, there literally cannot be a better time to start playing or revisit the game.
Patch Overview
This update brings a plethora of new content. Among them, the most notable content are the new main story chapter, access key synergy and new Modifiers and I want to touch up on the later two.
Access Key Synergy
The new access key synergy system helps old Modifiers that are lacking behind in the META. The bonus stats modifiers are able to get from this new system isn't something trivial. New Pact- Verthandi and Shinku- Buzenbo Tengu become viable DPS options if you make use of this system!
New Modifiers (Jin Wu & Lingguang)
Patch 2.0 introduces a new Gen-zone to the game called Tian Yuan. Jin Wu and Lingguang both belong to this new Gen-zone faction.
Jin Wu is a Tian Yuan gen-zone, fire DPS that utilizes Divine Grace combat resource. She is still one of the top tier DPS in the CN version and absolutely crushes her competition when it comes to fire DPS. Her gameplay is also extremely fun with her being able to fly in the air and rain down fire slashes on her enemies.
Best of all, during patch 2.0 you can obtain Jin Wu for FREE by doing any 4 missions during the limited time event!!
Lingguang is a Tian Yuan Gen-zone, fire support that utilizes the Traces combat resource. This Modifier is a must have as the amount of supportive utility she provides ranges from shields, damage buff, critical rate and elemental buff.
A free Jin Wu coupled with the best fire support in the game is the main reason why this is the best time to get into Aether Gazer. They also share an ultimate skill chain.
Aether Gazer is Peak from here on!
Captivating story, gorgeous character design, hot skins, engaging & fun skill kits, Aether Gazer really ups its game from 2.0 onwards. The game's future is looking bright!
Mentioned games
Man, the introduction of access key synergy sounds really cool. Love the new additions!
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