PVZ3 is bad.

We were all excited and hyped up for pvz3, and what do we get? Some random copy of gardenscapes. I do not like PVZ3 as much as the other PVZ games. The "rebuilding" function is a function i do not like. Okay, i talked about the bad things, what are the good things? 2.5D, i like the 2D but also 3D feel of the game. Ui looks good. Story is not that bad. Well, thats it, not mkre i can say about it to be honest.
Gameplay: 5/10
Graphics: 9/10
Ui: 9.5/10
Bad things:
-Copy: -3 points (A game being a copy is a REALLY bad thing, because we waited so much for it to be released.)
All: 4/10
Mentioned games
paola rodriguez
paola rodriguez
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