Surprise! Konami is putting out a new free Silent Hill game on!

Horror fans are still eagerly awaiting the upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2, but Konami made a surprise reveal today that makes the wait just a little less painful. During today's State of Play stream, Sony played a trailer for Silent Hill: The Short Message, a new free Silent Hill game that will launch of PlayStation 5 later today.
Konami describes The Short Message as a "short-form" Silent Hill title that's meant to be the first of a wave of new Silent Hill games to help revive the franchise. Apparently they're not counting Silent Hill: Ascension, which launched a few months ago to a disappointing reaction. Silent Hill: The Short Message was developed as an experimental title with help from HexaDrive, a Japanese studio consisting of mostly ex-Capcom developers.
The new game stars a young female protagonist, and Konami says it focuses on "how modern youth communicate online and through phones, and the role that could play in a psychological horror story." Silent Hill: The Short Message will be available free for all PlayStation 5 owners later today.
Alongside other reveals during the State of Play stream, Sony also showcased a new trailer for the aforementioned Silent Hill 2 remake. This one focuses on the survival horror game's combat. Check it out below.
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