366 Days of Gaming: Day 27

Day 27: Tiny Guardians
Platform: Android
This is an auto battler where you summon different classes of characters to protect the main character throughout her journey. Each class has a different function, weakness, and advantage. You play through waves of enemies as you make your way through each stage (which surprisingly isn't just in a straight line like most other games of this type) and there are a lot of different types of enemies to encounter. It reminds me of an RPG party making their way through a level mostly on their own. I like the balance of auto and interactive, as there are several things you have to do and not just leave them to their own devices, such as: summoning additional characters to fight alongside, casting some spells, picking up potions off the field, and changing character formation so you have fighters on the front lines and ranged and casters in the back etc. You change directions and enemies spawn from different sides so paying attention to formation is a must. I also found it really cool that if one of your fighters gets downed during combat, they will automatically revive after a certain amount of time, so there's no need to worry about struggling to have mana to resummon them with. I recommend Tiny Guardians to anyone who likes RPG style auto battlers that you don't just sit and watch boringly.
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Absolutely love how even a 'downed' fighter gets back up. No messing around with mana restocks.
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