Very engaging and fun

Charming story and characters, great music and extremely likeable protag. Surprising amount of depth and intrigue to the story in a short amount of time. All of the puzzles make sense and aren't overly frustrating. Extremely enjoyable! I've only stopped playing because of a bug in the motorcycle section (which comes very soon after the paywall word of warning, idk if this bug only effects me but still) and it was a shame because i was really immersed in the story, but beforehand I had a good few hours of fun and I'm looking forward to seeing the full game be released!!
👎 Cons:  very few amount of bugs that completely stop game play progression (ie, in the bus ticket puzzle I had to close and reopen the game a few times for it to work because the prompt to use the screwdriver on the clock just wouldn't show up. During a replay, i literally had to delete and redownload the game because the temperature changer at the very beginning wouldnt even open up the safe to the 'thizz inhalers' -basically crack haha - that the characters in the tutorial are trying to get. And ofc the motorcycle bit I'm currently stuck on).
Very interaction heavy, so it's the type of game where if you don't like the characters or care that much about the mystery you absolutely won't care for the game itself. I'm a huge fan of these types of games though
As of now elsa's whole personality shtick is a bit goofy ('asle'), but i personally don't mind it and it really isn't that big of a deal in the game, nor is it brought up much at all.  Its really more of a non issue if anything, and only after playing the game did i remember it happening at all. Mybe as the game continues both personalities will be developed more as a character and their full backstory will be revealed, making it feel much more fleshed out
👍 Pros: funny and entertaining writing, likeable characters, intriguing story, great art and very unique/fun character designs that adequately represent each character's personality. Also I'm definitely biased but I love the mc in both design and personality, she is absolutely my favourite character. The art doesn't look ai generated in the slightest. Infact, it very much looks hand drawn - the art style and attention to detail remains consistent amongst every character sprite.
Overall, this game blew me out of the water! I got it on a whim based off the art alone, started with literally no expectations and here I am giving it a raving review 5 hours later! I found the game very endearing for what it is, and Would highly recommend anyone try it, if only for a bit to experience how good this is!! If ypu play it and it's not for you, then I understand. But it's absolutely for me.
Edit: the 'bug' I mentioned that stopped my progress could just be where the beta ends, but I'm not sure as there aren't any actual chapter markers one can see. The paywall said that the beta ends at chapter 4 part 3, but I have no idea where that actually is.
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I faced the same bugs too, but the story totally hooked me in. Can't wait for the full release!
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