Wuthering Waves CBT II In-Depth Review: A New Dawn in Mobile Gaming

Wuthering Waves's second Closed Beta Test set to begin on Feb. 19 2024. This exclusive beta was accessible only to selected group of players on PC, Android, and iOS who had pre-registered from official recruitment program.
We had the opportunity to explore Wuthering Waves during its Closed Beta Test Phase II. This latest iteration unveils the game that's not just evolving but blossoming, showcasing a vividly brighter palette that signals a shift towards a more nuanced and compelling narrative. Moreover, the gameplay mechanics have undergone significant maturation, offering a depth and complexity that not only satisfies but also excites us about the game's further direction.
Wuthering Waves distinguishes itself from the typical mobile gacha offerings by prioritizing a robust, skill-based action with lively open-world experience that rewards player engagement over gacha element.
Herein lies an exploration of the key facets of this latest iteration:
Echoes, Resonance Terminal and Skill Over Luck
Wuthering Waves emerges as a pinnacle of action game design. My hands-on experience thrust me into combat with a beast leagues beyond my level, leading to an instantaneous demise reminiscent of an early encounter with the Tree Guardian in Elden Ring. However, resilience pays off. After several bouts, mastering the creature's attack patterns and executing precise parries led to my triumph, rewarding me with the monster's echo. This moment of victory was a revelation; Wuthering Waves stands out from the typical gacha mobile game fray as a hardcore action title where skill trumps in-game purchases, delivering a gratifying sense of accomplishment without the need for microtransactions.
---The “Tree Guardian” I had encountered during the early stage.
Speaking of echoes, the game introduces a unique mechanic where players can equip echoes of defeated enemies, transforming into these adversaries for short periods. This system not only encourages repeated engagements with foes but also rewards exploration and combat with enhanced abilities and a stronger Resonance Terminal.
---I transformed to the powerful echoes that I obtained earlier.
Enhanced Open-World Exploration
Thankfully, Wuthering Waves delivers big-time regarding open-world exploration. Resonators can climb up almost any vertical surface, and if climbing is too slow, pressing the sprint button will launch them into a run, even right up a sheer cliff wall.
In the latest iteration of Wuthering Waves Closed Beta Test, the developers have not only maintained the exquisitely smooth gameplay that characterized its predecessor but have delved deeper into the minutiae of movement and interaction. Unlike many open-world action games that might prioritize breadth over depth, here, the devil truly is in the details: characters exhibit varied animations when scaling a roof or sliding, depending on their precise location in the environment. This attention to detail—investing in subtle elements that players might not immediately notice—signifies a maturity and confidence in the game's development. It is this dedication to depth and polish that amplifies my anticipation for the game's official launch, imbuing it with a sense of promise and expectation
---Some detail action graphic and movement I won’t expect in others typical open-world mobile.
The game's world is a playground for exploration, offering tools such as gliders and grappling hooks to traverse the environment. The intricate detail in character animations and interactions with the world, whether climbing, sliding, or solving puzzles, adds depth and immersion to the exploration experience.
--- Stunning scene noted while I was exploring the broken world.
Narrative and Aesthetic Evolution
Wuthering Waves distinguishes itself with a compelling blend of fantasy and science fiction, centered around the enigmatic power of soundwaves. The latest Closed Beta Test, while limited in playtime, hinted at significant changes not fully explored during my session, among them a comprehensive reworking of the storyline and the introduction of a fresh new gameplay mechanic that seamlessly integrates with its enriched narrative and aesthetic evolution. It is understood that Kuro, in response to player input, embarked on the ambitious task of demolishing and remaking the narrative structure. This endeavor is nothing short of heroic. From the moment one gains access to the game, it is clear it merits attention.
As Kuro continues to refine the narrative and gameplay, Wuthering Waves is shaping up to be a must-play for fans of stylish action-RPGs on PC and mobile devices alike, promising an adventure through a world brimming with mysteries and challenges.
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Dissapointed to have signed up and completed the questionaire /Joined discord but still not have got CBT access. Feels bad & I'm not the only one. Should have been an open beta or more allocation.
exactly.I didn't get the first one too. this is so wrong.I have been waiting for almost a year now.
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Kudos to Kuro games for delivering the necessary demands by the community in the upcoming CBT 2, believing that there would more refinement before the global launch.
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I really love to play Anime style RPG games.I I have been playing such games for a long time and have been waiting for the release of this game for a year now, I really liked the graphics, gameplay, I already love this game, and I hope that I can get access to the beta version😍🔥
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You know im very curious to try their final product as they clearly taking their time with these tests which makes me feel this game going to be a a genshin killer or genshin copycat which I'll play for one day then uninstall but hey everyone got used on playing rip off games so who cares lol
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or a Zelda tribute 🫥
Akbar Ganyong
Akbar Ganyong
i cant wait anymore
Akram mlitat
Akram mlitat
I hope to add the Arabic language and I expect success from it.👍🏽
well, another long wait again fellas 🤭
yup, after that they will release on global but only for certain countries.
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i already sign up for beta but I can't really wait for the globle version it's gonna be a nice game.
CBT 2 it's end.
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